NLTG Job Centre Learner of the Year 2022 – Kerry Smalley

Congratulations to Kerry Smalley, the first winner of NLTG’s new Job Centre Learner of the Year Award.

On starting her course with NLTG, Kerry initially found the experience a little daunting as she had not been in a learning environment for a while. It didn’t take long for Kerry to realise that NLTG was a safe place, and she was eager to come back and learn more; that’s where her learning journey started!


Pictured below is Kerry receiving her Award from NLTG Managing Director, Gareth Lindsay and Tutors, Charlotte Knowles and Carl Morris.



Kerry has now completed a range of qualifications with NLTG, 9 to be exact, including Employability and Customer Service, Business Administration and a Furniture Occupation course, which was her favourite! After being put forward for local job vacancies, Kerry flew through the interview process with a local furniture manufacturer.  She is now working full-time at the company and is described by her employer as invaluable.

Kerry’s Tutors commented:

“Kerry is a totally different person to when she first walked through the door 18 months ago. Her confidence has grown massively, from a young lady who struggled speaking to people or looking them in the eye, to now being able to stand in front of a group and carry out a 10-minute presentation. She is a confident, strong employee who has a clear vision of what she wants in life.

Kerry’s employer commented:

“Just find me another 10 Kerry’s and my business will run itself”.

Kerry sums up what our Job Centre learners can achieve.  She was someone who not only needed skills development, but also the time and support to develop personally. She has been an outstanding learner and we wish her all the success in the future.

Well done Kerry!