
NLTG are proud to report at our recent Ofsted Inspection we were judged to be Good across all areas of our provision. 6 Ofsted Inspectors visited NLTG premises, employers and learners 9th-13th November 2015 to inspect us against Ofsted’s recently revised Common Inspection Framework 2015. Our report is available via Ofsted and also ourPublications page and includes some very positive comments e.g.

“The inclusive and supportive ethos of NLTG is outstanding and ensures all learners are welcomed and supported exceptionally well to complete their qualifications”

“Welfare for learners is outstanding and provides exceptional levels of support for those who might otherwise leave their programme”.

“Excellent partnership working with employers and the community ensures that training programmes are designed and meet local and national needs”

The inspection report comments on the quality of our provision to Employers, Apprentices, Students on Study Programmes and Traineeships and Adult Learners. The inspection report also comments about our Leadership and Management, the Quality of Teaching , Learning and Assessment, arrangements for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare and the Outcomes for Learners

NLTG will now strive towards achieving Outstanding at our next Ofsted Inspection in 2-3 years time.